An interesting article was recently published by Ken Bain and James Zimmerman entitled Understanding Great Teaching (Peer Review, Spring 2009, vol. 11 (2), 9-12). A link to this article article can be found HERE. Ken Bain is the author of the book What the Best College Teachers Do and this article is based on some observations and principles outlined in the book. Although this is a short article, the authors tackle key questions and issues such as different student approaches to learning, what makes teachers great, how to encourage a deep approach to learning and how to tell the difference between popular teachers and good teachers.
One of my favorite parts of this article is somewhat related to a previous post on the Power of the Question. In the article, the authors state:
"Through the power of the questions they raise, these outstanding teachers engage students in doing the discipline even before they know the discipline...teachers who promote deep learning approaches help students to learn inductively, moving from fascinating and important questions to general principles of the discipline."
I hope you get the chance to read this article about great teaching.