A recent article in the Wired Campus section of the Chronicle of Higher Education (March 19, 2009) described a new web-based guide entitled the Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning. The authors (George Siemens and Peter Tittenberger) of this guide are at the University of Manitoba's Learning Technologies Centre.
This handbook is quite detailed and combines a nice mix of learning theory with descriptions of new technology-based teaching tools/methods. One reason for this post is to make you aware of this new resource and to highlight two excerpts from the Wired Campus article that describes the handbook:
Excerpt #1:
While colleges and universities have been "fairly aggressive" in adapting their curricula to the changing world, Mr. Siemens told The Chronicle, "What we haven't done very well in the last few years is altering our pedagogy."
Excerpt #2:
In its introduction, the handbook declares the old pedagogical model-where the students draw their information primarily from textbooks, newspapers, and their professors-dead.
I invite you to read the entire Wired Campus article and click COMMENTS below to give us your thoughts on the article, excerpts above and/or the new Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning.