A recent post by Maryellen Weimer, on her Teaching Professor Blog, was about various principles of teaching proposed by Ronald Markert (reference below). Of the principles outlined, one really caught my attention:
"Good teachers do not talk as much as the less effective colleagues do--Good teachers talk less because their students are talking more."
This principle reminds me of one of my favorite quotes about teaching:
"Teaching is listening, learning is talking" by Deborah Meier.
I used this quote once in a workshop and received some push back from a few faculty members because they believed this statement about teaching is too simplistic. I understand their point, especially in terms of established disciplinary styles of teaching. In any event, I think all teachers should do a little less talking and a lot more listening.
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Reference: Markert, Ronald J. (August 2001). What makes a good teacher? Lessons from teaching medical students. Academic Medicine, 76 (8), 809-810.